It is what it is today due to the efforts of good administration, the Gods protection of their devotees from misfortunes.
Also back in 头条路is considered a notorious place and businesses were slow.
Today after 51 years, it tells a different story. And one can see why this Nine Emperors Gods Temple is so beautiful.
Main enterance...
Dou Mu (centre), North and South Emperor (left and right), Gods and Goddesses (surroundings the bottom of altar and front halls ) kinda blur...
Dou Mu, the mother in the Taoist Pantheon stood in the front prayer hall. The Nine Emperor Gods is seated just below the mother on the same level.
You would enjoy admiring this stunning piece of masterpiece. And the two door generals (Mui Sin) are crafted from a single trunk of a tree.
Don't miss looking at the intricate carving of the doors. The doors are heavily craved and gold leaves are pasted on it.
Weapons like rings, spears or swords used by the Gods are placed on the table.
Food or fruits offered are typical manner for the business people. So it is no surprise, you will see bananas, pineapple, apples, oranges and pears are arranged in this manner.
Third floor i can't share with you guys because something private i do not know too.
The eve of Nine emperor Gods Festival.
The Raising of the "Teng" Tall lamp
Invitation of the Five Generals and his contingents of armies
The Welcoming of Nine Emperor God, float procession to Pantai Bersih
Third day
Mediums in trance playing with hot oil
Fifth day
Skewering with 9m spear
Sixth Day
Selection of next year's Lor Chu
Seventh Day
Fire walking ceremony
Eight day at middle of the night
Dao Mo Birthday, prayers at midnight
Ninth Day
Send Off and burning of the Emperor's Boat